Our Guesthouse:

Situată în mijlocul României într-un sat frumos, numit Sohodol, aproape de Castelul Bran, de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de Castelul Dracula, casa noastră este întotdeauna deschisă pentru oaspeți.
Ești un iubitor de natura, te bucuri de aerul curat de munte, curios să încerci preparate din bucătaria locală sau vrei să oferi copiilor tăi o experieță „la țară”?Iți garantăm liniște, aer răcoros de munte, mâncare ca la bunica acasă. Nu vei auzi decât susurul raului care inconjoară casa și poate cocoșul cântând dimineața.

Loc de joaca pentru copii - Bran
Produse Locale- Bran
Parcare Gratuita Bran
Animale Bran
Animal yard
Ciubar - Casa Elia - Bran
Hot tub
Gratar BBQ - Bran
Mancare - Casa Elia
Natural products
Ferma Locala in Bran
Local farm

Avem, de asemenea, propria noastră fermă, cultivăm o bună parte din legumele folosite de zi cu zi și o livadă mare cu pomi fructiferi.
România are multe de oferit, situri istorice, locuri culturale, peisaje ce-ți taie respirația. Voi numi doar câteva atracți: Sighisoara, Sibiu, Transfagarasan, Munții Fagaras și multe altele. Alege să le vizitezi pe toate în excursii de jumătate de zi, cu mașina.
Nu ai mașină? Nu iți face griji, anunță-ne și vom găsi soluții!

What you will find at us:

Casa Natura Bran


Who does not love fresh milk, good eggs, tasty cheese… Your appetite, cravings and needs are taken care of.

Good food comes from healthy and happy animals. So you’ll probably see some cows just sitting in the orchard, 1 or 2 chickens looking for surprises through the grass or trying to learn how to fly, 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep… whoever counts them may be falling asleep fast.

Natura Bran 2 Casa Elia


Who does not love fresh milk, good eggs, tasty cheese… Your appetite, cravings and needs are taken care of.

Good food comes from healthy and happy animals. So you’ll probably see some cows just sitting in the orchard, 1 or 2 chickens looking for surprises through the grass or trying to learn how to fly, 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep… whoever counts them may be falling asleep fast.

Calarie Copii Bran Elia


Enjoy the beautiful views of Bran-Sohodol in a unique and relaxing horses-drawn carriage ride. Feel more courageous? Tell us, and you can try horse riding. For the little ones- pony pat and riding. For bookings, please tell us 24 hours before

Natura Bran Casa Elia

Pat animals yard

A special place close to our farm were kids can go and play with the animals (chickens, dogs, cats, rabbits, lambs…).

Experiente Ciubar - Casa Elia Bran


Enjoy some relaxing moments with your friends and family in our garden hot tub. It’s enough space for 12 people and the water temperature is always at 40 Celsius degrees, so you won’t miss it if you visit us in the winter time as well. For bookings, please tell us 12 hours before


Swings, ping-pong, trampoline… and a very big yard were kids can run freely.

Croitorie Bran Elia


What is nice about this is that he practically creates this material. During the summer we collect black and white wool, we wash it, we weave it. These clothes we are creating were used by our grandparents a long time ago. For example, the pants are part of our traditional costume. Now we sell them in special markets, and shepherds also still buy them like many years ago. Our host also thesis sweaters and socks from the yarn of wool.

You can take a look at his works in our guesthouse and, if you like it, get something for yourself or as a present.

Livada Bran


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

ave you ever wondered how many apples a day can you eat?

100% Natural.

Well, you have not tried the apple juice yet. It is natural, concentrated, without sugar and is highly preserved just by rising its temperature to 80-Celsius degrees so that you can enjoy it during a longer period. A boost of taste and vitamins. More than that, it comes from the apples that grow in the backyard. The grandfather carefully planted these trees and they are, so to say, the treasure of the family.

Mai mult decât atât, provine de la merele care cresc în curtea din spate. Acești copaci au fost plantați cu grijă de către bunicul meu și sunt, ca să spun așa, comoara familiei.

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